Iltefat Hamzavi
Dermatologist, Hamzavi Dermatology
Dr. Iltefat Hamzavi, M.D., has practiced in our offices since 2001. He sees general dermatology with a special focus on pigmentary disorders and hidradenitis suppurativa.
Dr. Hamzavi earned his Bachelor of Arts degree, with honors, in Sociology from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Dr. Hamzavi received his medical degree from the University of Michigan Medical School and graduated with academic honors in a variety of specialty rotations. . Dr. Hamzavi completed his residency in dermatology at Wayne State University and then spent time in Europe training at some of the world’s leading skin care centers. In 2001, Dr. Hamzavi completed an advanced one-year laser and photo-medicine fellowship at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver.
Dr. Hamzavi is an active clinic researcher and investigates causes and treatments for vitiligo, hidradenitis suppurativa, photomedicine, and other conditions.
1. Photomedicine
2. Vitiligo/Pigmentary Disorders
3.Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS)